TNNLS Call For Special Papers

Special Issues

IEEE TNNLS Special Issue Proposal: Advancements in Foundation Models [Call for Papers]

Guest Editors: Tianming Liu, University of Georgia, USA, Xiang Li, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, USA, Hao Chen, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, China, Yixuan Yuan, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China, Anirban Mukhopadhyay, TU Darmstadt, Germany.

Submission Deadline: 15 August 2024

IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems publishes special issues on emerging topics guest edited by distinguished researchers in neural networks and learning systems. Here is some information about how a special issue is organized.

Phase 1 – Proposal: Interested researchers should submit a proposal for the special issue on an emerging topic in neural networks and learning systems or its closely related areas. The proposal should be sent to the Editor-in-Chief (EiC). The proposal should include at least the following components: the theme of the special issue, its relevance/importance and need in the present context, a list of specific topics, a list of potential authors, and a feasible time table. Note that, the list of potential authors is needed just to get an idea that there are enough researchers to support such a special issue. The special issue would be organized based on an open call for paper and we do not consider special issues based on papers from a conference.

Phase 2 – Evaluation: The EiC gets the proposal evaluated by several associate editors of TNNLS. They take into account various issues including the technical merit, need and relevance, timeliness, and feasibility of such a special issue. Based on the input from the associate editors, the EiC makes a decision on the special issue proposal. The decision could be acceptance, rejection or a revision of the proposal. A revised proposal may again be reviewed by the some associate editors.

Phase 3 – Call for Papers: If a proposal is accepted, the Guest Editor is asked to prepare a call for papers (CFP) formatted to one transactions page so that it can be published in our transactions. The CFP should include all relevant information such as the theme, topics, deadlines, and submission guidelines. The CFP must include an instruction to authors suggesting them to mention something like "This paper is for the special issue on XXXX" as a note to the Editor at the time of submission through manuscriptcentral. The CFP is usually announced in the journal’s web site, circulated through CIS Newsletter and published in the CIS Transactions and Magazine.

Phase 4 – Processing: Papers submitted to the special issue are assigned to the Guest Editor for handling the review process. The review process for special issue papers is exactly the same as that for regular transactions papers. If the Guest Editor is an author of a paper submitted to the special issue, then reviewing of that manuscript is handled by a different associate editor chosen by the EiC.

Phase 5 – Publication: Once the special issue review process is complete, the EiC requests the Guest Editor to write a preface to the special issue (usually not more than 2 formatted transactions pages) for inclusion in the special issue. The special issue is then published as soon as possible.

Some general points: We do not encourage guest editors to submit papers to the special issue and under no circumstances the Guest Editor should submit more than one manuscript to the special issue. Please contact the EiC for further information.